Vegetarian Weight Loss

There are many myths about vegetarian weight loss. So, to dispel all the myths here are some facts about losing weight on a vegetarian diet.

Nutrition Reviews conducted a study that collects data from 87 previous studies . The study shows that a vegetarian diet is highly effective for weight loss. Vegetarian populations are on average leaner than meat-eaters and experience lower rates of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and other life-threatening conditions associated with obesity.

review shows that weight loss does not depend on exercise or calorie counting. The rate of weight loss for vegetarians is about £ 1 a week .

The study authors Susan E. Berkow, Ph.D., CNS, and Neal D. Barnard, MD, the medical committee for Responsible Medicine () says:

, "Rates of obesity in the general population has increased, while in vegetarians, obesity prevalence ranges from 0 percent to 6 percent"