Vegetarian Diet During Pregnancy

Fruits and vegetables

Good nutrition is the cornerstone of pregnancy whether or not the mother decides to eat meat or not, and it was already supposed to be trained in the art of consuming adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet routine.

she can eat what she likes and root vegetables and green leafy vegetables and drink plenty of fruit juices, if not fresh, maybe cardboard variety, which is healthier than konzervi.Voćni juice and vegetables will supply iron, vitamins and minerals , even though supplements are often necessary. Iron is the first supplement to think about what amnesia is always a requirement that should be avoided during pregnancy and often rears its ugly head. Also, additional vitamin C will be an advantage because it helps the body process iron was kept;. Whether or not mom is getting enough iron from your vegetable

sources of protein

mama-2B and the child will need a little more protein, like meat is not for me, she would have to consume alternative. Beans are good, and any sudden increase in consumption should not affect the immediate atmosphere mom if her normal diet is already rich in fiber. Here is a list of items that will provide nutritious and protein-rich foods:

• Nuts

• eggs
• Peanut butter
• Tofu
• pulses
• Hemp seed

Dairy Products

the second item on our list of essential ingredients for a vegetarian mom-2B calcium to help build baby's bones, especially in the last quarter. Milk, and plant and animal (cow and soy) play a major role in providing calcium, and again if there is a lack, the nose is the only health store away. However, there is a yogurt and cheese. Cottage cheese as the best for their ample supply, not just calcium, but the protein


You and your little anticipated arrival will need some carbs, but now we are looking for complex types, are not fattening sweet collection that trigger ill health. If you have not changed through the whole meal bread bleached stuff, so now is the time to do it, but do not gorge on it, your new baby does not want fat mama, and you do not want to put too much weight, you need to lose later, If your baby wants to childhood. Whole wheat spaghetti is another good source of carbohydrates, and it does taste different with antipasto or bolognese. We also trade your fries for sweet potatoes, yams, or who are healthier.

Do not forget to take your vitamins as a measure opreza.Bitno one of folic acid, which can be obtained separately or in a vitamin B complex pills. Folate, or folic acid has been shown to protect against spina bifida, but take a B complex, either with some omega-3.

Good luck to you and