Why Vegetarian Cat Food?

There are many reasons to consider eating a vegetarian cat food to your kitten. We all know cats and dogs are carnivorous animals that need meat to survive in the wild. The reason for this is that cats and other domestic animals do not have access to information that we do. Meat natrually provides them with essential nutrients, fat and energy their bodies need to survive.

Many vegetarian animal activists as a step toward vegetarian cat food, in an effort to completely stop supporting the commercial production of meat and animal testing. Not everyone will agree with this line of thinking, but some people feel it is hypocritical to animals as a friend on the one hand, and support other products (cow breeding, the production of pet food, etc) on the other. Cats only need a few key nutrients from meat in order to maintain health.

If you're going to switch your cat on a vegan diet: You will need to provide a vegetarian cat food you choose for them is fortified with Taurine and Arachadonic acid. Taurine is an amino acid that is essential for your cat's health - if it does not receive a kitten, and blindness, and death can result in a fairly short period of time. Arachadonic acids are essential fatty acids you need for your cat to maintain proper digestive health.

Remember that many commercial, over-the-shelf type of cat and dog food products are mostly by-products of animal origin that have been deemed not fit for human consumption. With this in mind, your cat eats a lot of food that you should not eat a lot, if you are looking for their own hrane.Vegetarijanska cat food designed with your cat's health in mind and determined Taurine and Arachadonic acid is much cleaner, healthier alternatives.