Healthy Weight Loss: Vegetarian vs Non-Vegetarian Diet

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Usually when people decide to lose weight, they automatically think that a meatless diet is the best solution. They replace this hard to digest foods with more vegetables or digestive juices. Although unsupervised juice diet should not exceed one week, many of us can safely eliminate meat from your diet for a long time without ill effects to the body. However, there are those people who followed a strict vegetarian diet and found that, after some time, their health declined and did not improve until the meat is introduced to their diets.

It was Dr. Price, who examined the dental health and dietary habits of indigenous tribes and learned that most healthy people who ate meat. Those who ate cereals and legumes are massive caries problems.

It seems, in the short term we can thrive on a vegetarian diet, but in the long run, we need some animal protein. How long can we thrive on a meatless diet before your health declines? Well, nobody knows for sure, but it definitely varies from person to person.

One of the factors that can determine whether to tolerate a meatless diet or not, may be your blood type. Medical literature often makes the point that people with blood type to do well on a vegetarian diet. In truth, the more accurate the message is that people with blood should be less animal products less frequently than other blood types. So if you want, do not go all vegetarian, especially if you like the meat every day.

It is well known that animal products are the only source of complete protein. This means that they contain all the essential amino acids, those not in the body and must be supplied through food. All plant foods are low in these amino acids. Legumes and whole grains, on the other hand, reaches a non-animal sources of protein when consumed together, provide almost complete protein profile.

While red meat should be a lot of energy to digest and therefore should be eaten in moderation, it is the range of zinc and iron. Poultry and fish are always a good choice, especially if you have a small animal products appeal to you, because we do not seem to need a lot of encounter in our daily diet to maintain health. For weight loss it is better to include some meat and vegetables into your weight loss diet plan, and eliminate as many carbs as possible.