Being A Vegetarian Healthy - Sit Back And Be Healthier

dietary needs for vegetarians There is little question that a vegetarian lifestyle is healthy, all the same, do not eat any meat means certain nutrients can be difficult to include in prehrani.Najveća concern vegetarian lifestyle is getting enough calcium, protein Abd iron in the diet. From a young age, we were told in schools, parents and the media that we need to eat meat to get protein and iron and milk to get calcium. Even so, you can consume enough of these in a vegetarian diet, it just takes a little more effort. Iron is a mineral critical because it allows oxygen to be transported in the blood, not having enough iron in your diet, you will suffer from anemia and fatigue and overall weakness. It is a known fact that not eating meat can suffer from iron deficiency more than someone who gets the iron from meat, even so, anemia is more prevalent in vegetarians and vegans. Dried beans and dark green leafy vegetables can easily deliver the amount of iron, if consumed regularly. To aid in the absorption of iron, iron-rich plants to be eaten with fruits rich in vitamin C or vitamin C supplements.