Why You Should Switch To Vegetarian
If you eat meat and animal products your whole life, you might think, why switch to a vegetarian diet? You have lived your whole life eating eggs, hamburgers, hot dogs, poultry, so why switch now? There could be many reasons for switching. Start by looking in the mirror. Are you at a healthy weight? Do you look and feel good most of the time? Do you wake up energized? Or you wake up tired and sluggish? How is your general health? Is your blood pressure within a healthy range? Are your cholesterol and blood sugar ranges normal? If not, consider what you eat on a daily basis. How do you feel after eating? Do you feel the energy as you're feeding your body what it needs? Or you're tired and pulled out? Do you often need a nap after eating? Is this what the food needs to be done for us, let us tired and sleepy? Not really. Food should nurture and nourish the body and leave us the energy and refreshment. The human body is a machine and should be the fuel that keeps it running in peak condition. When you are fat, with high blood pressure, type II diabetes, high cholesterol and other unhealthy conditions, it is like a car engine that is tuned or not the optimal type of gasoline should be run more efficiently.
5:53 PM | Labels: eating, food, garden, gardening, health, lacto ovo vegetarian, plants, recreation, types of vegetarians, veget, vegetarian, vegetarian facts, vegetarian health, vegetarian nutrition |
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